Together for a European Future - CSF Assembly 2013Together for a European Future – 5th Annual assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum, 4-5 October 2013 in Chisinau, Moldova More than 250 representatives of the civil society organisations from six EaP partner countries and the EU, government representatives, European institutions and donor agencies met in Chisinau to discuss the priorities of civil society and its contribution to the reform process within the EaP. The Forum meets once a year to take stock of ongoing work and to agree on future activities. In 2013 the general assembly focused on the role of civil society in the context of Association Agreements that may be signed/initiated with several of the EaP countries and civil society assessment of the reform process in the EaP region in advance of the EaP Summit in Vilnius. During parallel sessions Forum delegates also conducted debates on some of the priorities of the EaP thematic platforms and panels and the Forum’s flagship initiatives on election, media freedom and anti-corruption. It is a tradition that Commissioner Stefan Füle opened the Forum with his welcome speech. Agenda and procedure Click here to take evaluation survey Agenda of the Forum meeting is available here Indicative media programme and practical information can be downloaded here Procedures for presenting draft resolutions for acceptance by the Civil Society Forum Election procedures for the annual Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum in Chisinau (available in Russian) Interim financial report of the Secretariat of the Steering Committee of EaP CSF Practical information and participants list Participants list Participant welcome kit Youth side event agenda Report on the activities of the Steering Committee of the EaP CSF November 2012-October 2013 Annual Reports from the National Platforms: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine Appeal of Belarus National Platform to the Steering Committee of the Forum Reports from Working Groups Working group 1 - Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance & Stability Working group 2 - Economic Integration and Convergence with EU legislation Working group 3 - Environment, Climate Change & Energy Security Working group 4 - Contacts between People Working group 5 - Participants selection 454 applications were submitted in response to the call for applications. A total of 200 participants from the EaP region and the EU will be financed by the European Commission. In addition up to 50 self-funded participants will take part in the Forum. The Steering Committee thanks all applicants for expressing their interest in participating in the Forum. |
Project funded by the European Union