The media sub-group of WG1 has drafted the following recommendations to the EaP Platform I meeting:
- Development of model laws (legal provisions) for EaP countries regulating specific areas of media operations, specifically, given their urgency, the transparency of media ownership and on standards of election campaign coverage (the sub-group is well positioned to draft such model laws in cooperation with other EaP structures like Euronest);
- Introduction of a Media Freedom Index for EaP countries. Already existing similar indexes - by IREX, Reporters without Boarders, Freedom House - are not relevant enough regarding the specific situation in this region. The index is a very important tool to assess the state of media and its development as well as for the elaboration of a strategy for action. The sub-group has almost developed the methodology and has selected a concept which is in the process of preparing a full proposal to the Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility.