Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Sub-Group presents project "Media Freedom Watch" at annual meeting

In March NGOs involved in the Media sub-group started a project “Media Freedom Watch”. Within this initiative the update of the Media Landscape of the EaP countries, which was first introduced in 2011, is envisaged. ENP East Media Freedom Watch – the index of media freedom - will be produced by the project. The website of the Media Freedom Watch will be operational in early summer and the first index will be ready by Vilnius Summit.

The sub-group has submitted two proposals in response to the call for proposals for Working Group 1 and 4 of the eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum opened by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A media sup-group representative from Georgia Lasha Tughushi has drawn attention to the Parliamentary hearings on illegal surveillance that will be happening in Georgia. The Georgian experience in the sphere may be useful for the whole region and help it part with its Soviet past. The information on the conference of the Georgian National Platform on destroying the archives of illegal surveillance can be found here (

The sub-group suggested two-page reports on the activities of the National Platforms to be produced annually in advance of the EaP Civil Society Forum.

Project funded by the European UnionEU